Monday, December 23, 2013

聖誕義賣 at Simple Market (四四南村) 12/22

All the proceeds will be donated to a local orphanage for Christmas.  A heartfelt thanks to all who have participated in this good cause, and a special thanks to Joy, my lucky charm!


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

It's the week of Thanksgiving and I wanted to be festive, so I secretly made this pumpkin and place it on D's desk (after he went to sleep) to surprise him on Thanksgiving morning!

Materials:  cotton stuffing, waxed string (used for sewing leather) to shape the pumpkin and to replicate the curls of the vine, a mix of yarn blended with raw wool yarn to tone down the brightness & to help with the transition of colors

The raw wool yarn was given to me by Janny when I visited her in Osaka last year, so thank you Janny! The yarn is unique and a rare find.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pouf Poof, Long Overdue! No.1

A pouf was much needed in the house, but I'm a procrastinator until recently, I decided to get off my lazy bum and make it, so poof!  There are now more poufs in the house to accommodate D and my feet.

Materials: a good mix of yarn + hemp on top for durability

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pillows for Les Bébés Cafe & Bar 貝貝西點

Can't have finished this without my PoPo, Mama Mei.
這幾個禮拜在高雄為了作抱枕,把媽咪家用的亂七八糟,每個角落占了我的道具 (染布桶在浴室,麻布在客廳,棉線在合室,縫紉機在餐桌上),但是媽咪一直很有耐心的幫忙我把10個抱枕完成。有個師大家政系的老師的輔助就是不一樣。。。謝謝!

 A celebration of Les Bébés, a tribute to 巧妙的 Mise en Place, the place where I met D.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fan of Tainan 台南粉絲



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Collection

Moxa Infused Olive Oil

Rice Tea Infused Peppermint Shampoo

Lavender Parsley

Hinoki Hazelnut

Sprinkled with heather, violet, jasmine, parsley, rooibos tea, rosehip & love.
灑上歐石楠,小紫羅蘭,茉莉花,洋香菜,波斯茶,玫瑰果 & 愛.