Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why Mouse? 小老鼠

Mouse Dimension: 5 x 2 x 2.5 (excluding tail)
What’s up with the mouse?  You see it in most of my pictures.  Well, it has a purpose.  It gives you a sense of proportion of the photographed object.  


Where did this mouse come from?  Chance encounter!  When we stopped over Gananoque, Canada this summer to see The Thousand Islands, we stayed at this B&B called The Athlone Inn.


The inn's charm (built in 1877), the cozy rooms, the  delightful breakfast,  and the hospitality of the inn owners, Jason & Miranda, made the stay so memorable.  You can feel their love for the inn by the care they put in it, the thoughtful details that catch you by surprise, like the mouse in the bathroom or the fresh flowers petals garnishing the homemade waffles.


We purchased the mouse as a souvenir and left a note in the guest book.  Friends from Taiwan.


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