Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sweater Pillow 外衣變抱枕

This is D’s beloved sweater back from his college days.  It’s 15+years and it’s so worn, with lint permanently stuck on the fabric that he decided to forgo his sentimental attachment and toss it out.

But wait.  What better way to commemorate his school and education by making a pillow cushion out of it?  To the sewing machine!

這是 D 的大學運動外衣,已經15多年了,舊到不行。該丟了,但捨不得,還不如把它變成一個抱枕來做記念呢?

Don’t throw out the fabric scraps (in this case, the sleeves of the sweater).  Its usefulness will surface one day.

The back "strip" is the trim of the sweater that gives it a tighter fit at the sleeves and the waist.  The gray tab is a pull tag that I sewed.

Underneath the pull tag is the original tag.   Made in USA?  Now Made in Taiwan.

An addition to my collection of handmade pillows.

1 comment:

  1. 舊瓶裝新酒 ...
    哈! 不對! 正好倒過來, 可以說是
    新瓶裝舊酒 !
